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The Hermit of Red Canyon

Before Flaming Gorge Reservoir, the Green River in Red Canyon was a wild, remote place.  Just below Skull Creek, about ten miles above where the dam now stands, the river made a hairpin turn around Gold Point, and passed the mouths of Trail and Allen Creeks.  There, in 1922, Ralf Woolley, one of the engineers on the U.S. Geological Survey dam-site survey was surprised to find a hermit living in a hole in the ground.  His name was Amos Hill:

The hermit was at home, and he was as much surprised to see the visitors as they were to see him.  He gave his name as Amos Hill and said that he was 71 years old and had lived in the canyon about 20 years.  His house or hovel was a crude tepee of boards over a small hole in the ground.  It was hardly big enough for one person but might be classed as a good-sized dog kennel.  His wardrobe was as meager as the house, consisting of a piece of dirty canvas with a hole cut in the middle for his head to pass through, a ragged pair of overalls, and a unique pair of shoes with soles of large pieces of cowhide about 15 inches long with the hair on the bottom side and uppers apparently cut from old rubber boots and laced to the soles with rawhide strings.  It was about noon when the party reached this place, and Mr. Hill was invited to lunch.  He conversed freely.  Among other things he claimed to have gone through the Green River canyons on a raft, taking a horse with him a feat which one who has been through the canyons would be justified in believing impossible.


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